February 18, 2010

Jersey Milk


 News from the Jordan B&B. 
We are now serving not only homemade bread but also the best milk in town. 
We have been looking for a locally based farmer who produced raw jersey milk that had a special permit from the Texas Health Department and voila we found it! Read below to learn more.

Strykly Jersey Farm
Are you ready to try some of the best milk in the world? Our milk is fresh from our pasture-raised, grass-fed Jersey cows, without any homogenization or pasteurization. This allows you to enjoy the true flavor and health benefits of real milk. Our milk is bottled by order to ensure the freshest product. We also offer fresh raw heavy cream and homemade raw butter.
Our milk is inspected every other day by the Texas Health Department. We are one of a handful of dairies in the state of Texas that has obtained a "Grade A Raw for Retail Milk Permit" issued by the Texas Department of State Health Services. This special permit is stricter than compared to a regular state health permit for producer dairies.


Anonymous said...

You know he delivers here every other week? I assumed you are a part of the co-op since you know about the diary, but then I thought just in case you didn't I would let you know. If you don't know and need more info, let me know, I'll hook you up.

Best milk around, we go though an unnatural amount of it!

and the skimmed cream makes the best cup of coffee in town :)

Jordan Family said...

April has given me all the info. Thanks for asking.

Laura said...

Oh this is so cool! I wonder if there is anything like this around here. You'll have to tell me how it is. Hows your new diet coming along? The Low Oxalate diet... Have you been able to stick to it?

Jordan Family said...

I do stick to the diet for the most part. And I found out it's more about portion control then having to give up certain foods all together which is nice.

You will have to google your area to see if there are any dairy farms. Make sure they have the permit to sell it and do some research to make sure there is good feed back. The health benefits are great!

Michelle said...

Wow, you really are going "country" aren't you?! ;)