January 7, 2010

Pathology Results

 My new cookbook and new way of life.

The pathology results have come back on my kidney stones. Well, the good news is that my stones can be controlled by my dietary intake. The bad news is no more chocolate or salting my food.

My stones are made up of two parts. The first is a substance called Oxalates (a type of salt) and it is a naturally-occurring substance found in plants, animals, and humans. My body produces too much and does not process it well. So that means I must stop eating the foods that have a high content of it and eat those with a low content in moderation.  And the funny thing is that oxalates are a good thing for most people, just not for me. They are in a variety of healthy foods like whole wheat bread, green leafy vegetables, nuts, berries, etc. Cocoa is on the no list under any circumstances.
Does anyone know of the side affects that will occur from chocolate withdraws? I guess I will know soon enough.

The second substance is called Uric acid and it is a breakdown product of purines that are part of many foods. Not much can be done to limit this, except flushing your system with fluids so that you don't allow it to build up in your kidneys.

Both of these substances stick to each other and that may be the cause of why my stones are so big. I go back in to see my Urologist in 6 weeks to discuss what the plan is to remove the last 10+ mm stone that is left. We would like to get it removed that way we can have a clean slate and just maintain an empty kidney. 

I am grateful for the web as it has provided an ample supply of resources to help me during this dietary change and for those who have gone before me and have tried, tested, and written books to help others who are struggling with kidney stones like me. My hope is through changing my intake of these unknown harmful foods it will help me maintain a stone free life.

Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement over the last few weeks. I am grateful for your support.


Anonymous said...

Amanda, I'm so glad this is something that can be prevented! Even though a full on diet change isnt easy, what a relief that there is something you can do about it, and you're not just stuck with this. I'm really curious to hear what kind of foods you can eat and what will be on your menu! Do share! In a strange way, this could be a fun culinary experiment for you! I know you are creative and you'll find all kinds of ways to make things interesting. Also, if this is a genetic thing, (is it?) you can raise the little ones up understanding how they should eat and maybe prevent some pain for them in the future. Love you so much girl! Talk to ya soon.

Jordan Family said...

Yes, it is a genetic predisposition. So, it will be good to raise the sprouts knowing what will serve them in hopefully the long run of their life.

Amanda said...

what a means of God's grace medicine is! So glad to hear you should be able to control it with diet instead of continual surgeries! I think the Ngyunns have taught us its not so hard not to eat like everyone else :)

Michelle said...

SOOO glad you are getting some answers...what a blessing and answer to prayer! And so amazing that you found a cookbook to help! Miss you!

Phil and Danielle said...

If there is anyone who can make great food no matter what is in it or not in it... that would be you!