Joshua's office was ready and waiting for his grand entrance this morning. I had put a sign on the door that read, "While You Were Out...," and then wrote a note on his dry erase board that said, "To get the full story go check out our blog!"
It ended up that the sprouts and I had to take Joshua to work this morning (flat tire w/rain), so after I dropped him off, I circled the parking lot and waited as he went inside the Church. I knew it would take him no longer than 5 minutes to call me on the phone, and sure enough it only took him 3! "Amanda! This is incredable! I can't believe you pulled this off while I was away (laughing). This is the most meaningful gift anyone has ever given me. I can't believe so many people were in on this and helped out with the project. This is just the way I would have wanted my office to look. This truly is the best surprise ever!"
Thank you Dodson's, Estrada's, Walsh's, Lee's, and Dad & Mom Crow, for helping make this go down in Joshua's memory book for "best surprise ever!"
That's awesome!! Love you guys and hope to see ya'll soon!
That is super cool friend.
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