March 3, 2010

Sydney Sayings

  Tuesday night is pizza night in our house. Sydney is always sure to remind us what kind of pizza to get because of a former mistake I made, and one that will never be forgotten by her. I ordered a multiple topping pizza thinking that it would be sufficient to remove toppings for the sprouts in order to serve them cheese only. But it did not work out quite like that and the sprouts ended up not enjoying their pizza that night. Hence the reminder from Sydney to get cheese pizza every Tuesday night. On the way out the door to work yesterday, Sydney called out to Joshua, " Don't forget the cheese pizza because we don't like the Roni kind!" She will forever be scarred by "Roni" pizza and in the meantime we will enjoy her cute made up words.

 After dinner we went on a walk and while we were admiring our favorite homes, Sydney pointed out a beautiful house that she liked and said, "Mommy, you need to blog about that!" Joshua and I started laughing because I thought my time on the computer was going unnoticed because it is of short duration, but nothing escapes my little girlie.


Laura said...

Oh my gosh Amanda that is so funny! "You need to blog about that." What a precious little thing. Can I have her?

Jordan Family said...

Yes, Aunt Laura but only on loan when you come to visit! Remember, all you have to do is jump in your car on Friday and come here to have a full weekend lavished with unconditional love and wonderful memories. All the hugs and kisses from little ones you could possibly want are waiting for you in Seguin! Hugs-aj