For those that know me well have heard me talk about "the desk." It has been on my to-do list for 7 years now. Yes, you read that right, 7 years. Marriage, 3 children, moving, and life have taken its place every time when it has come to checking this of the list.
The story behind the desk is that when I was young and naive, I painted my heirloom desk from my Great-Grandmother purple. Yes purple, stupid I know and I would learn to regret how big a mistake that was during the 7 years it has traveled around with us. My sweet husband has endured this mistake along with me as he has had to live with it being hidden in our bedroom. Well, a few months ago I thought I would finally have the time to tackle this massive project and after purchasing the goggles, the chemical protective gloves, face mask, and some type of goo that can melt your skin off, I set out to undo the damage I had done. After several hours of removing layer after layer of paint (I had painted several layers), I took a brake. Then life happened again with my kidney stones taking precedence, and the almost stripped desk fell to the back burner.
Which brings me to the end of this 7 year journey. For Valentine's day my sweet husband seeing that I would not be able to finish my desk anytime soon, surprised me by having a friend who does this type of work for a living complete the project. Our friend did a beautiful job on the desk and I am so grateful to now have my desk come out in the open.
Thank you JJ for helping me check this off my 7 year to-do list. I love you!
Oh, I looks great! I was wondering if that was the purple desk I remember so well. :-) It's beautiful!
Sorry Francey, I guess I owe you an apology too, considering it was in our shared living room. Your the best roommate ever to have survived that hideous thing and I don't remember you complaining one time. Your a real trooper!
I didn't think anything of it. :-) I understand and understood then the phases of colors we go through, and it didn't bother me. ;-)
Like I said, real trooper! ;)
Love it! So beautiful! I am hopeful for a desk similar to it for my bday as my own personal planning station! (feel free to pass the hint on to my husband!) ;)
Well done Josh! What a great Valentine gift. Miss you guys.
Wow! How beautiful! That looks so good. What a sweet surprise.
So true Mr. Slack. Strong work Joshua! Amanda, its beautiful, and I'm so happy its finally done! Congrats!
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