February 14, 2010

Sprout's Movie Quotes

Sydney and Noah are big fans of the Pixar movie "Up." If you ask them what their favorite line in the movie is they will both quote the little boy Russel when he says, "Phew, I thought you were dead!" 

 Their second favorite movie is the "Swiss Family Robinson's." They love the pirates, the animals, and of course the damsel in distress. Which brings me to their second favorite quote.  The scene in the movie where the 2 boys discover that the boy they rescued from the pirates is really a girl named Roberta. Frits and Ernest ask her why she was pretending to be a boy and why she cut her hair. She starts sobbing and in this weepy, funny voice she says, "It was because of the pirates!" When the sprouts hear her say that they start rolling in laughter and mimicking her voice and her sobbing. It is the funniest thing to see your children develop their sense of humor and wonder where they got it from. ;)


Anonymous said...

That is super cute! I have thought the same thing about kids and their sense of humor. It is cool!

Melissa Goins said...

I LOVE this movie! And love hearing about your kiddos! Miss you much, friend! We need to catch up!!!

Amanda said...

Our children love Up too! Their favorite line is "I can smell you!" which i hear them saying as i type :)

Anonymous said...

Our children's favorite line from up is, "I can smell you." Even now, I am laughing because they think it is so funny :0)

Michelle said...

Our boys love Up too and Joel knows probably the whole movie, but by far the scene he mimicks the most is when Russell comes to Mr. Fredrickson's door...Joel is histerical doing both parts! My favorite is,"Well, I got a help ya cross Something..."