November 18, 2009


Joshua's parents came in for a visit a few weeks ago and took us to Wurstfest in New Braunfels. There was a lot of sausage, beer, fried food and fun music. We stuck with the German/American special: lemonade and hot dogs.

Authentic steins from Germany

There were around 30+ venders selling yummy German food. From fried mushrooms to sausage and potato pancakes with apple sauce, you name it they had it.

Momma Jordan had the 5 flavor sausage on a stick.
She is very brave.

Beautiful hand painted Christmas ornaments.

Nothing like a German on stilts!

Let's play "Where's the German?"

Thanks for the fun adventure Grams and Grandad!

1 comment:

sebsjourneys said...

German food is pretty darn good!