It's finally happened after years of babysitters with little to no trouble with obedience and respect from our sprouts they have finally decided to rebel. The first incident happened a couple of weeks ago when Joshua and I came home from a meeting at 10 p.m. to find two little faces peering through the blinds as we pulled into the drive way. That was not a good sign considering our little ones are due in bed by 8 p.m. We opened the door to find our sprouts running around with a very frazzled babysitter. The evening account from the sitter went like this, when the time came to put the sprouts to bed mutiny was declared. It involved throwing toys, screaming, running around like heathens and defiance in it's purest form with the proverbial "No!"
The next time we went out we chose an adult friend to watch the sprouts and to call us as soon as there were signs of mutiny. An hour and a half later the phone rang with, "You need to come home." Nice. The nerve some kids have! O wait, their my kids and they are the ones screaming so loud in the background that I can't hear my friend clearly enough to understand what's going on. We left immediately to go home and train our sprouts that Daddy and Mommy are only a phone call away and will come home to put things in order. And so begins a new season of training our sprouts to respect and obey the authority on duty.
A note of clarification: Lizzy Grace was an innocent bystander to the mutiny and therefore has no part in this story or the consequences that followed.
You've finally arrived as parents. How fun. =) Glad you're going through it first and I can get all my tips from you!
Keep your eye on Lizzy G. It's usually the quite, "innocent", one that is actually the mastermind behind a mutiny like this.
Sigh...many a times we have planned "dates" close to home, so we could come back on a moments notice, for the same training. At least they made it over an hour...once we only made it down the street ;0)
Oh, the new seasons of training our sprouts! :) Aren't you glad there's grace for the mutiny!?!
Miss you!!!
Oh they keep us humble don't they?! Way to follow through on returning home to set things staight. I hope it is the first and last time that has to happen!
Miss you!
Is this why everyone said they saw you guys come in at the SPC banquet but we didn't see you at the end? I'm sorry you're having such trouble. I hope a little tough love and some straight forward discipline will help set things right:o)
You got it! That's why we left. :) Sorry we didn't get to stay and chat. You did a great job!
There is a season for everything. Hmmm... when is the season for chocolate cake for dinner?
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