September 21, 2009

Regional Pastor's Retreat

We had a wonderful time this past weekend in Frisco, TX at our regional Pastor's retreat.
The Pastor's and their wives came from Kansas City, Midland, Houston, Frisco, and Seguin to meet together to encourage each other in ministry through biblical fellowship and teaching.
One of our many surprises was a star watch sailing trip on Thursday night. The following pictures were taken on the boat.

Bob and Cindy Odom from Lifegate Church in Seguin, TX.
Joshua and I have the privilege of serving at Lifegate with them.
Pastor Bob was thoroughly enjoying himself while he sailed the boat.

My dear friend Michelle Tombrella is in the middle and went to the PC the year before us and now serves with her husband at Grace Church in Frisco.
Hosanna Hanson is also another dear friend who is the administrator extraordinaire for the Pastoral team in Frisco.

Our PC buddies last year, Darrel and Shari Schiel.
They now serve at the Houston Church.

Pastor Pete and Betsy Payne.
They serve together at Grace Church in Frisco.

Enjoying my hubby.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

What a blast that weekend was! Miss you again already!
As I was scrolling down I was a bit fearful you put my "titanic" picture up...thank you for restaining the urge you might have had! ;)