September 23, 2009

"Fancy Music"

 Sydney loves to check out "Fancy Nancy" books from the Library.
The books are about a little girl named Nancy who is Sydney's age that loves to dress-up, dance, and use "fancy" words like posh, elegant,
stylish, luxurious, etc. So it's not hard to understand why Sydney likes the books and goes on a hunt for them as soon as we enter the Library.

Today, after breakfast Sydney wanted to dress-up and practice her ballet like Fancy Nancy for her daddy. So out she came with her elegant princess dress, followed by a stylish necklace and a luxurious pair of jelly shoes. She asked, "Mommy, can you play some fancy music for me to dance to?" Yes, of course. So off I went to grab some music that could be deemed "fancy" by my little girlie. I put in Andrea Bocelli's CD entitled "Sentimento" and pushed play. Sydney began to do her warm up's with foot work and twirls. She smiled at me and said, "Thank you Mommy, I like this fancy music."


Megan said...

Love it :-)
Izzy still loves to put on her "dancing dresses" and any dress shoes that are too big for her and pretend that she is a princess.

Michelle said...

Adorable! Oh how I would love to have a little girl!...maybe! ;)
Miss you! It was sooooo good being together last week!